Francis WC Kung
MD Meinhardt Hong Kong - (Infrastructure & Environment)
Francis has over 40 years of experience in planning and implementing multidisciplinary infrastructure projects in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, including project management, feasibility studies and design of the major railway and road improvements schemes in Hong Kong and China since the early 1980s.
Francis is a fellow member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE), Institution of Structural Engineers (FIStructE), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE) and the Hong Kong Institution of Highway and Transportation (FHKIHT).
Francis had been the Chairman of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong, the Chairman of the Civil Division of HKIE, Council Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, HKA, the Hong Kong Institution of Highway and Transportation, Member of Management Committee of the Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development (CICID) of the University of Hong Kong and is currently Member of the Infrastructure Development Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Trade Development Council, with particular focus on the Belt and Road Initiatives and the Great Belt Area.